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You’ve written your message. Maybe you’ve hired a copywriter to do it for you. Perhaps you've even used grammar software... You still need an editor.

I call myself a word nerd. You could call me the filter. I love digging into writing to perfect it. Commas and apostrophes in the right place. Correct capitalization. Finding the best words to deliver the appropriate tone. Concise. Impactful. Effective.

Sloppy copy can affect credibility. You have a story to share. Let's make it something people can't stop reading. From bios to blog posts, I am your personal editor and writer here to join your journey and deliver your story with impact and style.


In this era of self publishing, we all should still filter our content before hitting "post" or "send." 

Original work

I LOVE writing, but I have plenty of it on my plate. I write for Magazine and for a global partner. Plus, I plan to feed my yet-to-launch blog. So, my writing service comes at a premium. While I prefer to take your copy and edit it, we can discuss any writing needs.

Perfecting your words

You know what it's like to read your own words over and over again — you miss things. You can't think of the right word or you duplicate words. I take your articles, bios, press releases, newsletters, emails or anything you write and edit it for impact and style. It comes out the best it can be, promise!

I work in Google Docs using what's called "Suggesting" mode. This allows me to make edits, offer comments and ask questions in your copy. You can accept or decline each edit and respond to comments. We work back and forth until you are satisfied.

BUT, if you prefer to just have me work my magic and don't want to see the edits, your finished product can be delivered clean.

How I work:

If you are launching a new website, or if you've had yours live for a while, I can do a thorough audit. This involves editing the copy and copy placement, and testing all site functionality. Are links going where they should, do you need to add menus or links or otherwise make your site balanced and easier to navigate?

Website audit
Copy and functionality

I recently discovered the value of typing fast... SUPER fast. Everyone wanted to be my friend in college because I captured every word out of the professors' mouths — and that was before we all had laptops. If you have presentations, videos or other things that need to be transcribed, I can help.

I type like the wind
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